Taking the leap into therapy

February 29, 2024

I talk to a lot of clients who may have never done therapy at all or have years and years of experience (both bad and good). This is such an important conversation to have with people since there are so many misconceptions, preferences, and individual needs each person has when deciding that it’s time to start or re-start a therapy journey.

If you’re someone who has never been in therapy before, you may feel intimidated or just totally in the dark of what to expect in an initial therapy session. In today’s society, therapy and mental health buzzwords are everywhere you turn, however, it may be really helpful to figure out what is fact and what is an overreaction / quick labeling (think words like gaslighting, narcissist, bipolar, OCD). Getting a better understanding of yourself and the world around you is empowering.

I want to ease your mind a little bit and remind you that you’re in the drivers seat - this is your time, you may not have experience with therapy or the mental health field yourself, but you are an expert on yourself. Trust your gut, ask for what you need, and make sure it’s a safe and trustworthy environment where you feel heard!


Integrating EMDR and IFS: Why they’re game changers for self understanding and growth